Sophomore Pilgrimage was established by GFWC of Missouri in 1934 to give recognition to students who exemplify high stands of Scholarship, Honor, Courage, Citizenship, Leadership and Service in the Sophomore class of high schools across Missouri. The Pilgrimage, held on the second Tuesday in April to the State Capitol in Jefferson City is sponsored by GFWC Clubs for students to observe the inner workings of state government, tour government buildings and to have lunch while hearing from top state elected officials.
A GFWC Missouri statewide committee coordinates the tours, speakers, publicity, registration, and luncheon. Local club Sophomore Pilgrimage chairmen work with the local schools to identify students to participate. District chairmen collect registration information and funds from their local clubs and forward to the state registration chair. Additional volunteers and chaperones from across the state also assist on the day of the Pilgrimage.
It is our goal to focus on the continuance of this tradition during the 2022-2024 administration and to encourage GFWC Clubs in Missouri to continue sponsorship of a Sophomore Student in each of the schools in their communities. Please report your Club’s Sophomore Pilgrimage activities on page A-18 for 2022 and page B-18 for 2023 in the State Yearbook. We look forward to hearing from you.
87th Annual Sophomore Pilgrimage Jefferson City, MO, April 12, 2022.